Wednesday 18 January 2012

In Vitry Poetro


Submitted by: scrappingmommy
Author: Victoria Carrington
Water and warmth
Cushion and cocoon
Motion, music, my mommy’s voice
Safe and serene
Dreamy lull
Splashing gurgles
My first home

The Pee Stick Poem

Submitted by: tinkermama05
Author: 1crazyscraplady
I peed on a stick
And what do you know!
In three of four months
I'll be starting to show!

Steve looked at me one day
And said, "Hon, I'm ready
To have little Lisa or Steven
Or Eddie(?) !!

He looked at my face
And it must have turned white
This new bit of news
Really gave me a fright

I thought we'd agreed
That we wouldn't have kids;
Why, our pill bottles don't
Even have childproof lids!

I thought and I thought
Till my face turned to blue
I really did not know
Just what I should do!

Did I think I could stand it
This childbearing thing?
Did I want to miss out
On the joy it could bring?

I'd always had time
To put off this decision
But the 40-year-old mark
Was now within vision!

It was now or never
No more time have I got
It truly was time
To poop or leave the pot!

So I weighed all my options
And decided with glee
This having a kid thing
Was really for me!

I told Steve, "OK!"
And we started to try
And before we knew it
We'd made a small fry!

Yes, I peed on a stick
And well, glory be!
Who'd a thunk we could be
So elated by pee!?

Not yet the size of a Garden Pea

Submitted by: veryblessed
Author: Carla Turner
Not yet the size of a garden pea
Sweet little angel what will you be?
A lot like dad or more like mom... What exactly will you become?
No matter, just BE and get big and strong
Don’t hurry to leave your mommy’s tum...
You sleep & eat & kick & grow
Nine months will be gone before we know!

No Baby, Only Pain

Submitted by: Carol's Creations
Author: Carol N.
No Baby, Only Pain

No ultrasound pictures were ever taken, only pain
No heartbeat was ever seen or heard, only pain
No monthly doctor appointments were ever needed, only pain
No planning or anticipating of the next several months, only pain
No looking forward to the aches and pains of pregnancy, only pain
No baby shower to plan, only pain
No baby clothes to buy, only pain
No hours of labor to dread, only pain
No feelings of complete happiness and love after his or her delivery, only pain
No reason was ever given why I had to lose you, only pain
No baby, only pain.

In Verwachting (Dutch)

Submitted by: jessica70
Author: Not known
Nog niets te zien,
maar wél aanwezig
Hoe zou je er uitzien?
Dat houdt ons bezig

Alles moet nog groeien,
je bent nog zo klein
Zou je een jongen,
of een meisje zijn?

Nog geen besef
van dag of nacht
Maar dat geeft niets,
want mama houdt de wacht

Blijf maar lekker veilig binnen
Snel genoeg
zal het avontuur voor jou
ook beginnen..!


Submitted by: TarynLeah
Author: unknown, plus my own tweaking
Dear Grandpa & Grandma,

I do not have a face to see,
Or put inside a frame.
I do not have soft cheeks to kiss.
I don't yet have a name.

Not yet can you hold my tiny hands,
Nor whisper in my ear.
It's still too soon to sing a song,
Or cuddle me so near.

But all that will change come this October;
When they say I am due.
I am your newest grandchild;
And I can't wait until I meet you!

All I ask between now and then
Is your love for me to grow.
I promise I'll be worth the wait;
Just think of all the joy we'll know!

So as you're waiting patiently,
Please pray lots of prayers for me.
I cannot wait to be a part
Of this wonderful family!

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